I had been broken up with an old ex of mine for a while. I looked up an old friend, that I knew was gay. He picked me right up. Sucked my cock, and made me cum harder than that bitch ever did.
It makes so much sense for guys, gay or straight, to take care of each other sexually by at least jerking and sucking each other off. Nobody will know how to suck a cock and what feels good to a guy’s cock than another guy, and there is no risk of pregnancy and even less other risks unless you get into heavy stuff like fucking. If you have an understanding you can even avoid being emotionally involved. You’re friends simply being friends.
Similar ordeal with my track assistant coach I went to confront him about "why" I was removed from the team it was because he'd heard a rumor going around the campus there was a queer guy on the track team & he thought I was the one putting out the rumor so he kicked me off ! He later learned the queer staff member was our female track coach was "seeing" a student off her team, But he fucked me good & very aggresively that evening to shut me up!